If I Were the Principal For the Day

If one day I became the principal for the day, for my school. I would do and change many things. First of all, I would pay attention to my students, and make sure if there’s bully’s, or just mean people in general. Once I find those people, I would give them detentions or suspensions to hopefully teach them a lesson. To change the food, would be an honor. I would try to find better food that would be nutritious and warm for the cold days. I’d also try to find food that the kids actually like. For the P.E. Classes, I would tell the P.E. Teachers to put all the good players in two teams to play against each other (of what ever game). This would make it fair as usually, some teams probably have many good players, while the other has none. Lastly I’d try to find the teacher in the whole school that most kids like. Then I would ask that teacher to give some other teachers advice on teaching their own students. I think this would help all the teachers in the school, to know what makes their students want to learn. This is all I would want to do on my day as the principal.