Quick Quote

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Dumbledore

This quote from the character Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series is one quote that I really relate to. I am that person that doesn’t think of the good things during a rough time, and recently I’ve been trying to look on the bright side no matter what. I also have been focusing on solving my own problems in stressful times like turning on the light.

My Hero, Diana

Somebody I look up to as a hero is, Princess Diana. Princess Diana was the princess of whales from 1981-1996. She has shown many people that she was proud to be princess of whales in England. She showed love to everyone she met and rebellion to the royal family. For example, when one of her son’s school was having a field day, the mothers were allowed to race, but mothers with dresses and skirts could not. Princess Diana and the other mothers replied with “ So what?” Soon all the mothers of the children lined up and raced each other. Another example is when Diana was visiting orphan children with AIDS . She was told that the children didn’t have families because people were afraid of the decease. After hearing this, she immediately hugged a little boy with AIDS. There are many other reasons why Princess Diana was such a very loving and caring person. Which has influenced me to figure out the person that I want to be. As well as being a little rebellious like her.

My Word for the Year

This year I going to be focusing on the word Wise. I really want to be smart on my choices for the year to make it fun and calm at the same time. I also want to be wise on the people I meet in 2024. I want to know whether or not to allow a person in my life, and I want to think about what can this person change for me. Whether it’s good or bad. Another thing that I want to be smart on is my school life. I want immediately know if my choices in school for my grades, and work are going to benefit good things for me this year. Im also going to be wise on what I really want to do this year. I know I want to travel a lot and go to new places. I know I want to do these things because Im wise enough that I want these good things for myself. And to make this year exiting for me.

Rad Reading- December

The book I read this month was That Was Then, This Is Now, by S.E. Hinton. This book takes place in the late 60s and shares the story of two brothers, Bryan and Mark. Mark was raised by Bryan’s mother after Marks parents died, but Mark and Brian were friends before then. In the beginning they meet up with a friend they call M&M, he always has M&Ms in his hand, and is very scatterbrained. But he is a good kid. Cathy is M&Ms sister and Bryan ends up really liking her. One night as Bryon takes Cathy to a school dance. Mark is outside of the school hanging around with his friend ponyboy. Until, a random stranger comes out of nowhere and tries to jump ponyboy, but mark stand up to him and gets jumped instead. There’s a whole scene and Bryan comes to help his brother. As they get home from the hospital, they have a talk about how they’re growing up now and there could be changes in their lives. Mark doesn’t like the idea of it, he wishes he could go back to when they were younger. When they would jump socs, steal, and just be kids. A couple days later, they hear M&M ran away from home, from what they’ve heard M&M’s dad hates when he’s home. Hence, he ran away. The characters search for him with more twist and turns in the story that might change these brothers lives. I absolutely loved this book because it shows problems that happen in real life. It shows a coming of age story, that also teaches a lesson on what your actions can achieve. In a good, or bad way. My favorite character in the book, “That Was Then, This Is Now”, is M&M. I like M&M because he seems scatterbrained but, he’s very thoughtful from this quote.”when I get married I’m gonna have nine or ten kids”. This quote he says in the story shows that he knows that he’s got a long life ahead of him and he knows how he wants to use it in the future. My favorite quote in this story is. “You know a friend told me that once, ‘That was Then This is Now.” I liked this quote because it shows the difference on the boys relationship between the beginning and end of the story.