Seventh grade has given me a lot of good memories, but here are three. The first one is from my core class (language arts and social studies). Whenever I was in that class I always ended up laughing. Not just because the people were funny, but I also had my friends there to talk to when we did. My second favorite memory is from my P.E. Class when I met new friend on my birthday. They barely had met me and they were congratulating me for it. The last of my favorited memories, is when it was just before the schools winter break, and me and my table mates were making sugar cookies for Christmas. The funniest parts of that were, one of my table mates mixing up the dye colors for the frosting, the cookies were so thin they kept breaking, and all of my team and I couldn’t stop laughing. My seventh grade year is possibly my favorite one yet.
20% Project-Week Six
This is the last week of working on my 20% project. All of the accomplishments I achieved this week include, finishing the stuffed animal bunny, knitting the ears and trying to figure out how to make the ears big enough for the body. I also learned how to cast off the knit. (Basically finishing it off). I also made a little bunny tail. All of the struggles I had this week were, there were about two holes in the knitting as I was finishing it. Some of the changes I had to make were, not making the arms or legs, not making the bottom soon enough, and making one ear just a little bit too big. Because this is the last week of doing this project, I will have nothing to do for the next week. I had a lot of fun working on this project, thanks so much for reading!

My Loving Mother
My mom works hard at her job as a lawyer every single day and somehow can still spend time with me and the rest of my family. It makes me appreciate her more than I usually do. If I ever want to buy something she always lets me do so, and sometimes she lets me buy something that I even know is pointless to buy. My mother also lets me to go to different places on the weekends because she knows that I can’t be inside the house all the time. If she would never let me go out I’d probably be sad and board all weekend. My mother sacrifices a lot of things to make me happy and I try to do so myself. Even if I don’t say it enough, I appreciate and love her every day.
20% Project:Week Five
This week, for my 20% project, I am about to Finsh my stuffed animal bunny’s body. I will work on it over the weekend just to get to the small parts to knit for next week. The accomplishments I achieved this week are, figuring out a way to keep the knitting from tightening, which is making sure the knit is a little loose before I tigh it. Also I knitted about two centimeters more. The struggles I faced with were, tightness in the stitches, but as I said-I fixed the issue. Another struggle was finding a random hole in the knitting, but I will try to figure out how to fill it in like it never happened, over the weekend.
Rad Reading-April
This month I read the book named The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry. The Willoughbys is about four siblings that have very uncaring and undesirable parents. The children are named Tim, Jane, and twins named Barnaby A and Barnaby B. They have the same name. One day, a bay appears on their door step, Tim says no to Jane on keeping the baby in the house. So they give the baby away to a candy maker that will appear again in this story after they reconnect with the baby. When parents go off for vacation one day, the children decide to orphan themselves, but as they were about to plan how they would, their nanny comes to take care of them. As they go through the days they grow to love their nanny and possibly wanting her more than their parents. But sadly, because of the parent’s cruelty, the parents sell the house without warning them. As the house is sold, it is up to the children and the nanny to decide if to live life alone, or find a maybe even better family. I liked this book because of how there’s human, sadness, mystery, and happiness in one whole story. And all the characters with their individual personalities makes it ten times better. My favorite Charecter is the nanny because she is relatable to the children and she speaks her mind. One quote that would prove this is, “They are dolts indeed”. Even after says that the word Dolt is out of the children’s vocabulary, she still uses it to say what she thinks about their parents. My favorite quote from the book is this quote when the kids are name ing the baby. “It said, ‘Her name is Ruth.’ Jane pouted. ‘Why?’ She asked. ‘Because,’ Tim said with a sly smile, ‘we are the ruthless Willoughbys.”. I love this quote because it shows what you can expect from the story. The funny and almost rude comments from Tim, show about what you can hear throughout the book. Happy Reading!

20% Project Week Four: Stuffed Animal Bunny
This week for my 20% project, I continued knitting the head and torso part of my stuffed animal bunny. Some accomplishments I’ve made this week were knitting even more of my bunny, possibly an inch. Also I had no loosening through the process. The struggles I experienced this week were finding holes in the knitting, and the warn tightening a little too much, making it impossible to continue on, but I figured it out. A minor adjustment I am going to make is, instead of knitting the head and body separately. I decided to knit one long piece of warn, and then fix the piece later into a head and a torso that was already knit together. This adjustment would just to make it easier, because I am going to sew the head onto the body anyway. Next week I will hopefully finish the body, then I will knit little hands, feet, and ears for it. Thanks for reading, see you next week.

20% Project Week 3
This week I continued knitting my stuffed animal bunny for my 20% project. Some of the accomplishments I experienced this week are, knitting around 4 centimeters or more of my stuffed animal bunny’s torso. Also flowing through the process in knitting really easily, and as well as not making any mistakes, like holes or looseness in the knitting. I had no struggles with my project this week. Some adjustments I’d like to make are trying to knit faster than I usually do to get this part of the project done. Next week I will add around 3 centimeters more and finally finishing the torso area of the stuffed animal. Then I will sew the torso closed to finish it off. I’ll most likely begin knitting the head of the bunny, which I will stitch to the torso region to make the whole thing come together. Thanks for reading, see you next week!
My Favorite Room in my House
The room in my house that is my favorite is my bedroom. In my room, there’s all the things that I love such as, jewelry, trinkets, drawing books, stuffed animals and more. This accessibility to these things makes me like being in this room. I have a TV in my bedroom, and watching TV sort of helps me relax after hard days at school. I also like to be on my phone while laying on my bed, which is covered in a bunch of blankets so I’ll feel comfortable when it’s cold. I have a small shelf next to my bed which houses a lot of things but more specifically, things that I like to look at, or fidget around with. All these reasons can prove how much I like being in my room.
20% Project-week 2
This week for my 20% project, I’ve learned helpful things on knitting. I did this by searching all over YouTube, and getting help from my grandmother a couple days before today. The accomplishments I made this week were learning tips and tricks on how to keep your knitting from being loose, from YouTube. This means to make the stitches on the knitting tighter. I also found how I can make a body for the stuffed animal bunny I’ll be making. I did have some struggles, such as forgetting to bring my knitting tools to work on, but it did give me a chance to research tips on knitting. The adjustments that I will make is to constantly remember to bring my knitting supply’s to school for when I’ll be working on this project. Next week, I’ll be picking up on continuing to work on the body of the stuffed animal. Thanks for reading!
Whenever my classes and I begin to learn something new, I all ways feel that the information sinks in to my brain faster than other people. Meaning that I really don’t need that much practice on that subject, but I do it anyway. Now, this is not me bragging, Im just stating that if Im ever put to do a project, I’m all ways done before my table mates. This also makes them question how I’m already done. I sometimes ask my table mates, what they’re having trouble on, but they all ways say something that is quite simple to figure out. Either way I give them clues to help. My grades are all straight A’s which can explain how I am caught up with work so fast, but I still feel like I need an answer on why I am.